Heeding divine direction
Do we consistently feel led by God, the all-knowing Mind? Could we be more effective in discerning and utilizing ideas coming to us from our heavenly Father? Perhaps we try to listen for divine guidance but get mixed results.
Though it appears that each of us has a material mind of his own, subject to uncertainty, we can learn through inspired prayer to forsake this limited, mortal sense of ourselves. Acknowledging God as our true Mind lifts from thought the veil that would separate us from divine wisdom and intelligence. We don't lose our individuality in the process, but rather find that we're freer to be our unique, invaluable selves. Letting God be our Mind simply frees us from limitation - from fear, forgetfulness, bad judgment.
The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, says, ''The spiritual man's consciousness and individuality are reflections of God.'' Further on she adds, ''According to divine Science, man is in a degree as perfect as the Mind that forms him.'' n1
n1 Science and Health with key to the scriptures, pp. 336,337
Two things are required of us before we begin to feel the presence and guidance of divine Mind. One is humility. It takes the meekness of a small child to really surrender the belief in a mind apart from God. It takes a willingness to put aside personal opinions and accept divine ideas.
Another requirement is receptivity, readiness to hear divine impulsions. If our thought is cluttered with constant busyness or preoccupied with our own interests, desires, and goals, we may not be prepared to hear and heed divine guidance. The best way to quiet human thought, to make it receptive, is through regular periods of prayer and study of the Scriptures. This is time devoted to God. It's time consecrated to understanding the divine nature and drawing closer to Him. These regular periods of prayer and study help us to be receptive to divine ideas, not just when communing with God but throughout the day.
As St. Paul declares, ''We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.''n2
n2 I Corinthians 2:12
I had an interesting experience a while ago that illustrates just how divine Mind guides us when we're humble and receptive.
A friend, actually two friends, suggested that I move my business office from one town to another. My first reaction was to reject the idea completely; I had a long list of reasons why it was not appropriate. But this thought didn't go away. It kept returning to me for my consideration. And during moments of quiet communion with God I gradually began to discern why it was worthy of consideration.
After six months not only did the thought of moving my office appeal to me, but I realized that this prospect had come from divine Mind. I could see, finally, that it was an inspired and progressive idea. Humility and receptivity helped me see this.
Once I accepted the thought of relocating, all the stumbling blocks that previously had loomed so large vanished. New space - just the right size, price, and location - was found with relative ease. Needed furniture was provided in an unexpected way. And the process of moving in was completed with great cooperation on all sides.
Having been in this office now for over six months, I'm more aware than ever that this is the location where I needed to be. The change has been a benefit to me and others in ways not foreseen. More and more I'm seeing that this decision was not humanly devised but divinely impelled.
Perhaps you too will find changes in your life as you forsake mortal thinking for spiritual-mindedness. Yielding to God, the all-knowing, sometimes brings progress in ways we never expected. The reward for humbly listening to our Father Mind is wider vision, expanded opportunities, fuller lives - and, perhaps most important, progress on the road to salvation. These are blessings we can gladly accept. DAILY BIBLE VERSE Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6