News In Brief

Soviets castigate Reagan for views on Yalta accord

The Soviet Union warned President Reagan on Saturday that no one is entitled to question the outcome of the Yalta Treaty that was used as the basis for dividing Europe after World War II. It referred to statements Mr. Reagan made Friday to a group of Polish Americans in Washington on the 40th anniversary of the Warsaw rising against Nazi occupying forces.

Reagan had said: ''We (Americans) reject any interpretation of the Yalta agreement that suggests American consent for the division of Europe into spheres of influence.''

He had also said there is ''no reason to absolve the Soviet Union'' from its commitment made after World War II to permit free elections in the nations of eastern Europe, or to accept the ''permanent subjugation'' of their people.

The Soviets also accused Reagan of falling in with West German revanchists clamoring to restore the borders of Germany and other European countries to pre-World War II lines.

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