Arms control chronology: last November's walkout to this month's 'let's talk'
Nov. 23, 1983: Soviet negotiators walk out of intermediate-range nuclear force (INF) talks in Geneva. Dec. 8, 1983: US and Soviet negotiators hold last session of strategic arms reduction talks (START). Soviets set no date for resumption.
Dec. 15, 1983: NATO-Warsaw Pact mutual balanced force reduction (MBFR) talks in Vienna adjourn with no date set for resumption.
Jan. 1, 1984: British defense ministry announces that the first NATO cruise missiles deployed in that country are operational.
Jan. 10, 1984: Soviets call for NATO-Warsaw Pact talks aimed at banning chemical weapons in Europe.
Jan. 22, 1984: US Secretary of State George P. Shultz announces that MBFR talks will resume in March.
Jan. 23, 1984: President Reagan submits to Congress a report alleging Soviet violations of past arms control pacts.
Jan. 29, 1984: Soviets accuse US of arms control violations.
Jan. 30, 1984: US START negotiator Edward L. Rowny says the US is ''prepared to consider'' merging INF and START talks.
Feb. 21, 1984: Soviets say they would allow continuous verification of the destruction of chemical weapons stocks if a pact is reached to ban chemical weapons.
April 2, 1984: President Reagan tells Congress he sees little use in trying to negotiate a comprehensive ban on antisatellite (ASAT) weapons with Soviets.
April 2, 1984: NATO cruise missiles based in Sicily become operatoinal.
April 18, 1984: US Vice-President George Bush unveils draft treaty on a comprehensive worldwide ban on chemical weapons.
May 10, 1984: Danish parliament votes to stop paying for NATO cruise and Pershing II missiles, becoming the first country to withdraw from NATO deployment plan.
May 20, 1984: Soviets announce they have increased the number of missile-carrying submarines off the US coast and pledge to increase deployment of SS-20 medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe to counter NATO deployment.
May 21-22, 1984: West German foreign minister visits Moscow and reports that there is no chance of resuming arms talks until after US elections. Soviets call for removal of cruise and Pershing II missiles from Europe and a halt to future deployment as a precondition to resumption of INF talks.
June 1, 1984: Dutch cabinet votes to delay a decision on deployment of NATO cruise missiles in the Netherlands until Nov. 1, 1985.
June 27, 1984: US Navy announces deployment of first long-range cruise missiles at sea.
June 29, 1984: Soviets propose formal talks with US on banning weapons in outer space and says both sides should impose a moratorium on testing such weapons when the talks open. US expresses its interest, but says such talks should be linked with a resumption of talks covering nuclear arms reductions.
July 1, 1984: Soviets reject linkage, but keep offer open for a September starting date for talks on space weapons.
July 14, 1984: Reagan administration officials say US accepts September starting time for space weapons talks, but offers to postpone them until after the elections, if the Soviet desire.
July 17, 1984: US and Soviets initial an agreement to update the crisis ''hot line'' between the two countries.
July 21, 1984: USSR submits a draft statement formally committing both sides to begin space weapons talks.
July 24, 1984: The US responds with its own draft statement.
July 27, 1984: Soviets reject US draft statement, saying it lacks specificity on what is to be discussed.
Sept. 1, 1984: Soviet President Konstantin Chernenko says agreement on space weapons ''would facilitate the solution of questions of limiting and reducing other strategic armaments'' but criticizes the US for not agreeing to a mutual moratorium on testing and deployment of space weapons, including ASATS.
Sept. 9, 1984: Secretary of State Shultz rejects Soviet calls for moratorium on space-weapons testing in advance of talks.
Sept. 24, 1984: President Reagan addresses UN General Assembly and says the US and Soviet Union need ''to extend the arms control process to build a bigger umbrella under which it can operate - a road map, if you will, showing where in the next 20 years or so these individual efforts can lead.''
Sept. 28-29, 1984: President Reagan meets with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. They discuss Reagan's ''umbrella'' concept for arms control talks and agree on a process for future meetings. Reagan indicates the US would be willing to accept restraints on space-weapons testing if space weapons talks were held, but he also stressed the need to focus on all areas of arms control. Oct. 16, 1984: Chernenko reiterates calls for a ban on space weapons, a mutual freeze on building nuclear weapons, US ratification of test-ban treaties the two countries signed in 1974 and 1976, and a US pledge not to be the first to launch a nuclear attack.
Oct. 10, 1984: The White House issues another report on Soviet treaty violations, repeating much of the material in the January report.
Nov. 22, 1984: US and Soviets announce a plan to resume arms control talks on Jan 7.