THE LIVE OAK SOCIETY of the Louisiana Garden Club Federation Inc. Constitution
Preamble Whereas the Live Oak is one of God's Creatures that has been keeping quiet for a long time, just standing there contemplating the situation without having very much to say, but only increasing in size, beauty, strength, and firmness, day by day, without getting the attention and appreciation that it merits from its anthropomorphic fellow-mortals; and
Whereas it has been found that organization and publication are a good means of promoting influence and service in the world; therefore
This Constitution for an universal association of Live Oaks is hereby ordained and established. ARTICLE I Name
The name of this association shall be the Live Oak Society. ARTICLE II Domicile
Its domicile shall be Lecompte, Louisiana; the Archives of the Louisiana Garden Club Federation. ARTICLE III Sponsors
The Louisiana Garden Club Federation Inc. will be the sole sponsors of the Live Oak Society. ARTICLE IV Object
The purpose of the Live Oak Society shall be to promote the culture, distribution, and appreciation of the Live Oak. ARTICLE V Membership
The membership of the Society shall consist of designated individual live oak trees, known or suspected to be more than one hundred years old. Live oaks less than one hundred years old, possessing honorable qualifications, will be eligible to be enlisted in the Junior League. Article VI Officers
Officers of the Society shall be 1. President, 2. some vice-presidents, 3. a committee of Elders, and 4. a group of illustrious individual specimens. Article VII Representation
For the conduct of the Society's Human-Relations Business, a representative (either the owner or some other interested person)
shall be designated as attorney for each member. Article VIII Meetings
Meetings shall be held somewhere, semi-occasionally. Article IX Dues
There will be no dues, but each member requests the owners
to keep them in good shape and care for them. Article X Amendments
This Constitution can be amended at any semi-occasional meeting.