The game that gave the lead to challenger Kasparov in world tournament playoff
Explosive play in his patented gambit secured Gary Kasparov an impressive victory over titlist Anatoly Karpov in today's featured game, the 16th in their world championship match being held in Moscow's Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. With this win, Kasparov took a lead which he has since held onto, in his drive to become the youngest player ever to hold the crown. At this writing, the 22-year-old challenger has increased his advantage and now holds a commanding 111/2-91/2 margin, with a maximum of three game s remaining in the 24-game match. A player needs either six victories or a total of 121/2 points to win the championship -- draws count as 1/2 point. In the event the match is deadlocked 12-12 after 24 games, Karpov would retain his title. Sicilian Defense Karpov Kasparov Karpov Kasparov
1. P-K4 P-QB4
2. N-KB3 P-K3
3. P-Q4 PxP
4. NxP N-QB3
5. N-N5 P-Q3
6. P-QB4 N-B3
7. N/1-B3 P-QR3
8. N-R3 P-Q4
9. BPxP PxP 10. PxP N-QN5 11. B-K2 (a) B-QB4 (b) 12. O-O O-O 13. B-B3 (c) B-B4 14. B-N5 R-K1 15. Q-Q2 P-N4 16. QR-Q1 N-Q6 (d) 17. N/R-N1 P-R3 18. B-R4 P-N5 19. N-R4 (e) B-Q3 20. B-N3 R-QB1 21. P-N3 P-N4 22. BxB QxB 23. P-N3 N-Q2 24. B-N2 (f) Q-KB3 25. P-QR3 P-QR4 26. PxP PxP 27. Q-R2 B-N3 28. P-Q6 (g) P-N5 29. Q-Q2 K-N2 30. P-B3 QxQP 31. PxP Q-Q5 ch 32. K-R1 N-B3 (h) 33. R-B4 N-K5 34. QxN N-B7 ch 35. RxN BxQ 36. R/2-Q2 Q-K6 (i) 37. RxB R-B8 38. N-N2 (j) Q-B7 39. N-Q2 (k) RxR ch 40. NxR R-K8 ch 41. Resigns (l)
A. When Kasparov first tried his original gambit in Game 12, Karpov attempted to hold the pawn with 11. B-QB4, but after 11. . . . B-N5 he changed his mind and retreated with 12. B-K2. Karpov now plays 11. B-K2 directly.
B. It is unlikely White would have any advantage after the obvious 11. . . . N(5)xQP, so it seems Karpov was simply playing for a symmetrical pawn structure with draw in mind. Kasparov, with different ideas, disdains pawn recapture and nonchalantly continues with effective piece deployment.
C. This greedy move, attempting to maintain the QP, causes Karpov's later difficulties, weakening White control over Q3. Either 13. N-B4 or 13. N-B2 should suffice to maintain the balance.
D. Wilhelm Steinitz, the father of modern positional play, said that if you position a knight at Q6, the game will play itself. Note the paralyzing effect on White as the tentacles of the octopus knight exert pressure on eight critical squares.
E. From now through the rest of the game the poor emplacement of White's horses contrasts dramatically with the magnificent ebony steeds.
F. Now 24. N-N2 would let Karpov trade one of his knights, but he's still badly trussed up after 24. . . . N/2-K4; 25. B-N2, Q-QN3; 26. NxN, NxN.
G. White hoped to propitiate Black with 28. . . . QxP; 29. N-N2, N/2-K4; 30. NxN, NxN; 31. R-Q2, when he would have a small measure of freedom.
H. A star move. This knight explodes into the game with decisive effect. Now if 33. P-KR3, N-K5; 34. BxN, QxB ch; 35. Q-N2, Q-K6; 36. N-Q2, R-B7, and White is peculiarly helpless.
I. There were other winning continuations, but text is cleanest, most accurate, and most elegant.
J. Black will emerge at least a double exchange ahead after 38. RxQ, RxR ch; 39. B-B1, RxR.
K. If 39. P-R4 to avoid a back-rank mate, then 39. . . . R-K7 concludes.
L. Since 41. N-B1, RxN ch; 42. BxR, QxB is mate. In my opinion, this is one of the finest victories in world championship play.
Arthur Bisguier is a former US champion and has won or shared the US Open title five times.