Letters to the Editor. Negotiating a settlement in Cyprus
Despite the optimism voiced by United Nations officials for a settlement of the Cyprus problem, no settlement is likely to succeed unless the tens of thousands of Turkish occupation troops and illegal mainland Turk settlers are withdrawn by Turkey from Cyprus [``Cyprus unity in sight,'' Oct. 21]. This is a prerequisite to any acceptance by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. Equally important is the return of the Cypriot refugees in peace and safety to their original homes, lands, and properties.
Unfortunately, the President of Turkey, General Evren, has publicly stated that Turkish occupation troops would never be withdrawn from the island. Therefore, prospects of a settlement on Cyprus are next to nil -- unless Turkey changes its expansionist policy. Ernest J. Vardalas Organizations of Illinois Congress of American-Hellenic Chicago
Except for the mention of joint governance of certain populated areas on either side of the present border (apparently a compromise with the return of Greek Cypriot refugees), what is described in the article as refinements on the previous United Nations plan represent Greek Cypriot concessions.
The following sound more like Turkish counterproposals than a UN plan: the addition of the word ``confederated,'' which seems to contradict the formerly agreed ``unified''; the possibility that the Turkish Cypriots might get the Foreign Ministry post in addition to the vice-presidency; Turkish community territory to be ``29 to 30 percent'' instead of the agreed 29 percent.
What concessions are the Turkish Cypriots asked to make in return for the above? Have they agreed to yield on the important issues of the Turkish security guarantee and Turkish troops? Anne M. Rice Great Falls, Va.
Sara Miller's ``Household math'' (Oct. 17) was a delight. Add (or perhaps subtract from) objects that grow smaller or disappear, the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't, ever-disappearing paper clips. My extensive research reveals that paper clips are fascinated with floors. Search any office floor carefully and paper clips can be found. An 11th commandment seems to exist: ``Do not pick up a paper clip from the floor.'' Somewhere there must exist mountains of used paper clips! Leonard H. Lempert North Egremont, Mass.
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