Letters to the Editor. Patience and violence
Until we can hold out hope to Arab countries that we will work toward a fair Middle East solution, the United States will lack credibility [``Terrorism: the genie is out of the bottle,'' Jan. 21]. We need more sophistication in our definition of violence. Mohandas Gandhi defined impatience as a form of violence. Yet, many Americans see impatience as a virtue.
David Newsom points out that ``some, particularly in Israel, seek to deny the existence of Palestinians.'' This, too, is a form of violence. We must affirm life before we can solve its problems. Frank J. Leahey Okemos, Mich.
Charles Waterman's definition of terrorist groups appears to include all those using military means to oppose governments that are unjust or oppressive as long as those governments are allies of the US [``Cuban intelligence has finger in many pies -- but record is mixed,'' Jan. 6]. Would he have us rewrite history and label as terrorists George Washington, Sim'on Bol'ivar and Jos'e Mart'i (after whom we named our ``Radio Liberty'' beamed at Cuba)? Jonathan Beckwith Cambridge, Mass.
The Turkish ambassador's lament about needing $1.5 billion per year for Turkey's participation in the NATO alliance won't wash [``Turkish envoy states case for more US military aid -- interview,'' Jan. 17].
Turkey has become the third-largest recipient of US aid (behind Israel and Egypt), and the largest recipient of Soviet aid outside the Soviet-bloc countries. In ``gratitude,'' Turkey in 1973 (1) permitted Soviet overflights and overland convoys to supply countries at war with Israel; (2) refused equal rights to the US to supply Israel; (3) permitted Soviet overflights to Ethiopian insurgents who eventually won and established a pro-Soviet Marxist regime; in 1974, invaded (and still occupies) the sovereign nation of the Republic of Cyprus against international treaties, bilateral agreements, US laws, and United Nations resolutions, thereby destroying the once-famous ``southeastern flank of NATO''; since 1978, has permitted Soviet aircraft carriers to sail through the Dardanelles strait; in 1980 refused US access for a rescue mission to free the American hostages in Iran; in 1983 refused US access to our dead and wounded marines from the attack in Beirut; in 1984 refused US access to dead and wounded Americans from the terrorist attack at our embassy in Beirut; in 1985 refused permission for landing of the US Rapid Deployment Force for possible attempt to free the hostages of TWA Flight 847 in Beirut. The list is long indeed! Dean Lomis American Hellenic Institute Chairman Public Affairs Committee Inc.