Emily Dickinson's letter to the world
Amherst, Mass., is one place Emily Dickinson's poetry will be read Thursday to commemorate the 100th anniversary of her passing. The poet rarely left that town, but the 1,775 poems her family discovered have made her known around the world. These are from `The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson,' edited by Thomas H. Johnson. 441 This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me -- The simple News that Nature told -- With tender Majesty Her Message is committed To Hands I cannot see -- For love of Her -- Sweet -- countrymen -- Judge tenderly -- of Me 585 I like to see it lap the Miles -- And lick the Valleys up -- And stop to feed itself at Tanks -- And then -- prodigious step Around a Pile of Mountains -- And supercilious peer In Shanties -- by the sides of Roads -- And then a Quarry pare To fit its Ribs And crawl between Complaining all the while In horrid -- hooting stanza -- Then chase itself down Hill -- And neigh like Boanerges -- Then -- punctual as a Star Stop -- docile and omnipotent At its own stable door -- 1463 A Route of Evanescence With a revolving Wheel -- A Resonance of Emerald -- A Rush of Cochineal -- And every Blossom on the Bush Adjusts its tumbled Head -- The mail from Tunis, probably, An easy Morning's Ride -- 1052 I never saw a Moor -- I never saw the Sea -- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven -- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given --