CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS - Woody Allen's ambitious comedy-drama has two storylines that epitomize his dual interest in amusing romance and somber explorations of human nature. One centers on a lovelorn filmmaker who's in love with a smart TV producer. The other, more interesting plot focuses on a middle-aged physician who's tempted to murder his mistress in order to protect his respectable family life. The film isn't wholly successful, but its troubled fascination with philosophical and even spiritual questions is consistently provocative. (Rated PG-13) THE FABULOUS BAKER BOYS - They're brothers, and they play piano in small-time lounges; their low-key rivalries heat up when they hire an attractive singer in an effort to revive what little popularity they ever had. The picture has a smoky, jazzy atmosphere that helps cover its flaws: repetition, a lazy pace, and a story that's hackneyed despite a wry twist at the end. Still, the fabulous Bridges boys, Jeff and Beau, are warmly convincing in the title roles. Written and directed by newcomer Steve Kloves. (Rated R)

PIERROT LE FOU - Reissue of Jean-Luc Godard's adventurous 1965 epic about a man rampaging across France in search of freedom and happiness, neither of which he locates. The point isn't the story, which moves rather slowly, but rather the style, which crams more cinematic invention onto the screen than a dozen ordinary films. Also beguiling are the performances by Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina. While this isn't a first-class masterpiece like Godard's ``Weekend'' or ``My Life To Live,'' it shows off his ingenuity to exciting effect. (Not rated)

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