Roosevelt Aims At Sound Peace: Sees Churchmen
| LONDON, Dec. 27, 1939
Sympathetic reception is universally accorded here, and, indeed, throughout most of neutral Europe, to President Roosevelt's appeal to the Churches to synchronize their peace efforts and to the outline of Pope Pius XII of his conception of a just peace. In informed circles it is declared that the Allies' viewpoint on the peace question approximates pretty closely to the five postulates laid down by the Pope in his Christmas Eve address to the Cardinals which, it is assumed, will find general approval in the United States, too. . . .
In these circumstances, and especially because they consider that the war was forced upon them by action of the Third Reich, the Allies hold that the next move for peace must come not from them, but from the other side. They are not prepared to sheathe the sword while the objects for which they are fighting are unattained. For the Allies consider that an inconclusive peace would merely invite fresh aggressions at an early date.
The Monitor is looking back at the events of World War II.