SADCC Snapshots
ANGOLA Nominally Marxist-Leninist state has begun talks with US-backed UNITA rebels. Largest and most efficient Army in sub-Saharan Africa. Major export: oil. Population: 9 million. BOTSWANA Economic policies have resulted in one of the most buoyant economies in region. Resisted South African pressure to sign nonaggression pact. Mainly desert. Main export: diamonds. Population: 1.3 million. Independent in 1975. LESOTHO Kingdom ruled by military junta. Main export: migrant workers employed in South African gold mines who account for 40 percent of country's GNP. Population: 1.8 million. Independent in 1966. MALAWI Peasant-based economy under autocratic rule of leader Hastings Banda since 1964. Hosts 1 million refugees from Mozambique. Population: 8.4 million. MOZAMBIQUE Former Marxist-Leninist state with devastated economy embracing reforms. Rich agricultural potential. Exports: cashews, prawns. Population: 15.7 million. NAMIBIA SADCC's newest member. Dependent on South African transport links. Africa's most democratic constitution. Main exports: diamonds and uranium. Population: 1.5 million. SWAZILAND Landlocked kingdom bordering South Africa. Signed nonaggression pact with Pretoria and part of its sanction-busting network. Population: 0.7 million. Independent in 1968. TANZANIA Only SADCC state beyond South Africa's sphere of influence. Provided alternative transport route via Tazara railway since 1976. Population: 24 million. Independent in 1961. ZAMBIA Country close to economic collapse after drop in copper prices. Ruled since 1964 by autocrat Kenneth Kaunda, popular as African statesman, but not inside Zambia. Export: copper. Population: 7.8 million. ZIMBABWE Strongest SADCC economy. Nominally socialist, but pragmatic policies have retained confidence of white population. Against the trend, President Mugabe seeks creation of one-party state. Exports: coal, nickel and tobacco. Population: 9.8 million.