1948: The US pledges $100 million after the state of Israel is proclaimed. During the 1950s and early '60s, US aid averages $6 million a year, most of it in economic and development assistance. 1967: Dazzled by Israel's swift and unexpected victory in the 1967 Arab-Israel war, the Johnson administration dramatically expands the US's commitment to Israel. Aid levels are increased and military assistance becomes a major component, jumping from $7 million in 1967 to $85 million in 1969.

1973: The Nixon administration comes to Israel's rescue during its "Yom Kippur" war against Egypt and Syria. In one of the biggest military airlifts in history the US transfers 22,000 tons of military equipment and supplies in less than two weeks.

Mid-1970s: Following a US-brokered disengagement agreement between Israel and Egypt, the US expands assistance to cover increased security costs. By 1976 Israel becomes the largest recipient of US aid. After the 1979 Camp David treaty, the US provides $3 billion to defray costs of Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai.

1980s: Reagan expands US relations with Israel, declaring Israel a non-NATO ally. In 1981 Congress converts all of Israel's economic aid to grants. In 1985 Congress converts all military aid to grants and votes emergency aid of $1.5 billion to help retrieve Israel from an inflation-driven economic crisis.

1991: The US contributes $650 million to offset reconstruction costs after Iraqi Scud missiles hit Israeli cities. Congress authorizes the Pentagon to "draw down" $700 million in military equipment and transfer it to Israel.

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