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MIDDLE EASTBilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian delegation to the Middle East peace talks are expected to begin in Washington around Nov. 22, US officials said yesterday. Sunday, thousands of Arabs chanting and waving olive branches greeted Palestinian delegates returning to the occupied West Bank from the Madrid peace conference.... A team of UN inspectors headed for Baghdad yesterday to remove enriched uranium from Iraq. A UN official said the team would ship the fuel back to the Soviet Union , its place of origin.... Emirates Airlines of Dubai has ordered two Airbus A310-300 passenger planes, increasing to seven the number of Airbuses it has on order from the European consortium. UNITED STATES Measures offered last week by Congress's two top tax writers, Ways and Means chairman Dan Rostenkowski (D) of Illinois and Senate Finance Committee chairman Lloyd Bentsen (D) of Texas, will form the basis of the tax debate next year. The bills will be weighed on a political balance by Democrats and Republicans next year, both parties seeking advantage in the congressional and presidential races. Both bills are aimed at cutting taxes for the middle class, a refrain that had a strong resonance in elections in New Jersey and Pennsylvania last week.... African National Congress President Nelson Mandela will visit the US next month to speak at former President Jimmy Carter's annual human rights award ceremony in Houston.... Only half of Californians believe their state is one of the best places to live, down from 78 percent six years ago, according to a poll for Time magazine.... Dining out, which took on a nearly religious fervor during the 1980s, has adapted to the cautionary '90s, with restaurant business of f, the annual Zagat survey said.
EUROPE Austria's right-wing Freedom Party, riding a wave of anti-immigration sentiment, scored its third election triumph in three months when it became the second strongest party in socialist-dominated Vienna Sunday.... The Bank of Credit and Commerce International stole more than $2 billion from the personal account of the ruler of Abu Dhabi - perhaps the biggest bank theft from an individual - the Financial Times reported yesterday.... A judge has ordered the crew of Robert Maxwell's yacht not to leave the C anary Islands pending further investigation of his death.... Embattled French President Francois Mitterrand said Sunday he would call a referendum on a major reform of France's institutions next year. The measures include cutting the presidential term of office from seven to five years, allowing Parliament to initiate legislation (now a government prerogative), and giving aggrieved citizens direct access to the Constitutional Court.... Author Salman Rushdie Sunday faced his 1,000th day under threat of death by followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late Iranian leader who ordered Rushdie killed on Valentine's Day 1989.