Cuomo's Talents Are No Illusion
The method in the opinion-page article "Cuomo's Strength - An Illusion," Nov. 1, uses to weigh New York Gov. Mario Cuomo's potential as a Democratic candidate for president is based primarily upon Mr. Cuomo's previous political encounters plus a few recent polls. But polls can be inaccurate, as the election of Harry Truman in 1948 proved.A few days after reading the article, I listened to Cuomo brilliantly field the toughest questions his constituents could assemble. There is no doubt Cuomo is quite politically savvy and able to think decisively on major issues. He answered questions in a way that gave confidence to the listeners and was balanced with the utmost fairness and patience toward the questioners. Polls have no way of measuring this natural political talent. Charles T. Allison, Hershey, Pa.
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