Cars and the Environment: A Mutually Exclusive Relationship?
Regarding the article "Tokyo Puts Prototypes on Display," Nov. 6: The show's theme discovering a new relationship: man, car, and earth as one is a dishonest marketing strategy. No matter how good a car's gas mileage is, its manufacturing and operation consume materials and energy and produce pollution. Its use will never be friendly to the environment.To save the environment we must move away from manufacturing and individual transportation, toward an economy where a higher quality of existence for humans, "whales, sunsets, and trees" is more important than profit and gross national product. Environments that will sustain life and "a car in every garage" are becoming more mutually exclusive. Jon Remmerde, Livermore, Colo. Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.