God Is Available
THE ocean was calm, but even so the up and down, ebb and flow, of the water was making me seasick as the boat carried us to the island we were to visit. I was also worried about my young daughter. The motion seemed to be affecting her as well, but I didn't have the strength, I felt, to comfort her.I turned my thoughts to God and His goodness. As a student of Christian Science, I'd seen plenty of evidence of the effectiveness of such prayer in all kinds of situations. I knew God cares for and loves all His children. I knew He cared for me as well as my daughter. The more I prayed to see the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, the better I felt. We had a pleasant stay on the island, and that afternoon we were both able to enjoy the boat trip back to the mainland without any ill effects! Thinking of the experience later, I recalled what Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: "Children should be taught the Truth-cure, Christian Science, among their first lessons, and kept from discussing or entertaining theories or thoughts about sickness. When we learn that God is readily available to help us no matter where we are, we become more willing to turn to Him. Soon we begin to turn more often to God to feel His goodness. We begin to understand more deeply that man's real Father-Mother is God and that He is always caring for His children, which includes each one of us. Prayer dissolves fears. It allows us to turn to the one Father-Mother God for guidance, protection, comfort. Praying for our loved ones--and showing them how to pray for themselves-- helps to lead everyone to the Father-Mother God. God is the one loving, divine Mind. This Mind is ever present, always available. Because man, God's child, reflects the one Mind, he naturally knows and feels God's care. In the Bible, Isaiah promises of God: "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. We can feel utterly secure when we rely on God to guide each one of His spiritual ideas. Age really has nothing to do with turning to God. The newly forming thought or the long-held stubborn thought can both yield to God's direction through prayer. And whether we're just finding God or adding this day to a dee per search to understand Him more fully, it's possible to find Him ever present, ever available. Christ Jesus often turned to God for guidance and protection. He helped others see and understand their Father-Mother God's ever-presence and omnipotence. He uplifted others' thoughts to God and showed them how available God really is. Jesus loved the trusting, childlike thought. This is the thought in each one of us that listens, obeys, and follows God's commands. Learning to govern ourselves through trusting in God and letting God govern us, we'll find new evidences that both we and our loved ones are under God's law of goodness. Just as my need was met, along with my daughter's, that day on the ocean, so God meets everyone's needs. My daughter felt God's love just as quickly and effectively as I did. And we both lost our fear. The result was feeling closer to God and understanding better man's oneness with Him. We can always take immediate recourse to God. Prayer helps us to understand and feel God, His love, and His availability--it opens the doors, closed by ignorance, to receptivity and spiritual results. Prayer leads us to the spiritual understanding of God's care and love for all His children.