News Currents
Caterpillar Inc. rejected a plea by a group of US senators for federal intervention in a five-month-old strike.... Wholesale prices rose a modest 0.2 percent in March, suggesting the sluggish economic recovery has done little to generate much inflation pressure.... Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori said Wednesday night he had overwhelming popular backing for his decision to dissolve Congress, citing three opinion polls conducted this week. EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST
The International Court of Justice said yesterday it would announce its decision next Tuesday on Libya's request for protection against possible military action by the United States and Britain.... The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, Germany, ruled yesterday that key parts of the state funding system that gives political parties $2.5 billion of taxpayer funds every four years are unconstitutional and must be revised by the end of 1993.... In a reflection published yesterday in the New York Rev iew of Books, Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel attacked the decline of morality and public order in his country, but he insisted he can still fulfill his self-appointed role as its moral leader.... The Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization which was scheduled to discuss the future of the Middle East peace talks in Tunis yesterday postponed its meeting by one month. ENVIRONMENT AND SCIENCE
Environment ministers from nations bordering the Baltic Sea adopted a program yesterday aimed at restoring its ecological balance.... Saudi Arabia is studying the use of high-pressure hoses to blast away caked-on oil left on beaches from the Gulf war.