Hillary Clinton breaks the mold

I did not "object to the title, tone, and content of your editorial" about Hillary Clinton in "Hillary Pilloried," April 13 - as a previous letter writer did. I felt I got your message and it brought me up short. It caused me to recognize and question a mistrust I harbored of Mrs. Clinton.

I had to admit that although I have no reservations about women's capabilities and wish to see them have equal opportunity across the board, the vision of a young, attractive, professional woman having access to the White House, and perhaps even running for president one day, was not what I had in mind.

You "pushed a button," as they say, with that editorial. I wonder how many women like me are ready and able to be truly magnanimous about a woman's role when it comes to the upper echelons. Give us a Margaret Thatcher or a Jeane Kirkpatrick and we would have no problem.

I agree with the end of the previously quoted letter: "It may be that Hillary Clinton will have to break the mold and establish a new path for presidential wives." Sally Mann, Seattle

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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