News Currents
United Press International will cease operation at midnight tonight unless a buyer is found.... The Army said Wednesday that a female Army officer was sexually assaulted after being captured during the Persian Gulf war. It is studying the issue of women in combat-related jobs.... Weather conditions have dimmed the US winter-wheat forecast a bit, but the harvest still is expected to be 12 percent above last year, the Agriculture Department said. EUROPE
Germany invited Russian President Boris Yeltsin to attend next month's summit of the world's leading industrial nations, a government spokesman said yesterday.... More than 60 German economists yesterday called the European Community's planned economic union unnecessary.... The German Bundesbank, fighting inflation with record high interest rates, has again ruled out a relaxation of monetary policy.... A small bomb exploded Wednesday night as legislators at the nearby British House of Commons were comple ting the day's work. ECONOMY AND BUSINESS
US jobless claims remained unchanged at 407,000 for the week ending May 30.... Wholesale prices shot up 0.4 percent in May, the biggest advance in 19 months.... Retail sales rose a slight 0.2 percent in May. ASIA AND THE PACIFIC
The May rise in Japan's trade surplus will add to its burden at next month's summit of leading industrial nations, economists said.... A controversial bill to allow Japanese troops to serve overseas as UN peacekeepers cleared a key parliamentary committee yesterday and was sent to a final vote in the full lower house.