Meaningful Campaign Reforms?

The proposals of Congressman Joel Hefley [(D) of Colorado] in the Opinion page article "What Congress Needs Is Real Reform," June 2, miss the point of public anger with Congress and the president.

Although some of his ideas have merit, his goal and avowed hope is simply a change in the leadership from one party to another. However, neither his nor any other procedural reforms address the major cause of public disillusion, which is a campaign system that favors any incumbent or wealthy candidate over an honest but relatively poor challenger.

Reforms that would help to level the playing field include public financing of congressional campaigns; free and equal TV time; abolition of the franking privilege; and a single, nationwide primary election for presidential candidates - preferably one with provision for "none of the above," which might eliminate all those listed on any ballot and force a new election with better choices.

It is frustration with the unlikely prospects for such meaningful campaign reforms that prompts many citizens to opt for the less desirable but more attainable alternative of term limitations. Allen F. Chew, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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