Conditions for Greece's Recognition of Macedonia

Regarding the front page article "Greeks Unite in Opposition to Independent Macedonia," June 24: I would like to bring to your attention the fact that the Greek views on the issue of the recognition of the former Yugoslav republic were adopted at the European Community summit meeting in Lisbon.

In a declaration issued by the European Council on June 27 on the situation in former Yugoslavia, the following position was taken on this issue:

"The European Council reiterates the position taken by the Community and its member states in Guimaraes [Portugal] on the request of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to be recognized as an independent state. It expresses its readiness to recognize that republic within its existing borders according to their Declaration on 16 December 1991 under a name which does not include the term Macedonia. It furthermore considers the borders of this republic as inviolable and guaranteed in accordance with t he principles of the UN Charter and the Charter of Paris."

After these developments, Greece is ready to recognize the new state as soon as it accepts the European Community's terms, and is eager to establish ties of cooperation for the benefit of those living in the troubled Balkan region. Marina Kasdaglis, Boston Press Attache, Consulate General of Greece

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