News Currents
The US International Trade Commission Tuesday ruled that certain steel products from Brazil dumped on the American market at below cost were financially injuring American producers. The action sends the case to the Commerce Department for final ruling.... A Kansas judge ruled Tuesday that life begins at conception and an anti-abortion protester was justified in blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic because she was attempting to save a life.... In Senate testimony Federal Reserve chairman Alan Green span Tuesday said he expected to see unemployment drop significantly, but not before late next year.... Sears Roebuck & Co. on Tuesday agreed to pay $200,000 to settle accusations of consumer fraud at its New Jersey auto repair centers.... Typewriter manufacturer Smith Corona Corporation said Tuesday that foreign competition is forcing it to close down US manufacturing operations and move them to Mexico. ECONOMY AND BUSINESS
Chinese economists yesterday said that unbridled growth could overheat the national economy and cause high inflation, leading to the need for a new austerity program.... A Credit Suisse economist said yesterday that a report shows Japan's trade surplus will continue until at least 2000.... Japan's Nikkei stock average yesterday fell 460.46 points to close at 15,541.95. That was the lowest since April 8, 1986. ASIA AND THE PACIFIC
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Wednesday granted observer status to Vietnam and Laos and said it looked forward to their becoming the first communist members.