Should the international community have given economic sanctions more time to work before using military force against Iraq? Should the United States play an even-handed role in Middle East peace talks or should it champion Israel's positions on issues like Jewish settlements and the future of Jerusalem? These are two issues that divide Bush and Clinton as they square off on how to deal with the Middle East. BUSH
The Gulf war -- Favored the swift, massive deployment of military force to dislodge Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
Jewish settlements -- Says Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip constitute the "biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East" and has used economic leverage to gain a partial moratorium on new settlements construction.
Jerusalem -- Says the status of Jerusalem should be settled through negotiations and that the US embassy should not be moved from Tel Aviv until it is.
Land-for-peace -- Insists that Israel can only secure peace with its Arab neighbors by relinquishing portions of territory it occupied during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
Relations with Israel -- Favors the US's strategic relationship with Israel but also backs Palestinian rights and military cooperation with Arab states.
Syria -- Favors building political relations with Syria, which he sees as crucial to the Middle East peace process. CLINTON
The Gulf War -- Backed military intervention in the Gulf but said economic sanctions against Iraq should have been given more time to work.
Jewish settlements -- Says Jewish settlements do not prejudice the peace talks and opposed Bush's decision to link a $10 billion housing loan guarantee to a halt in construction.
Jerusalem -- Says an undivided Jerusalem "is and should remain the capital of Israel" and favors moving the US embassy to Jerusalem as soon as possible "without interfering with the peace process."
Land-for-peace -- Supports the two UN "land-for-peace" resolutions but says the US has pressured Israel to make one-sided concessions in the peace process.
Relations with Israel -- Backs strategic cooperation with Israel and says Bush administration arms sales to Arab states have weakened Israel's security.
Syria -- Says he will never forge strategic relationships with "despotic regimes" and charges the Bush administration with ignoring Syrian terrorism and human rights abuses.