The peace movement

Regarding the column on the Opinion page "Bush, Clinton, and the New Tyrants," Sept. 17: The author belittles and denigrates the peace movement. Members of groups like Wand, The Freeze, and Beyond War have foresight and common sense enough to see that although their country couldn't and shouldn't disarm unilaterally, it should not be wasting its resources in playing the game of matching stockpiles of tens of thousands of lethal weapons, any dozen of which could end the world.

They knew and acted upon the wisdom that it is only grass-roots, people-to-people interaction that changes ideas by recognizing our common humanity and that leads to a new brand of Soviet leaders. Give the peace movement its due. Ruth S. Beebe, Lexington, Mass.

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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