Fifty years with John Gould
John Gould's Home Forum page article "Eyah, It's Been 50 Years," Oct. 23, inspires me to remind the now famous contributor of his modesty in omitting to acknowledge his international reputation. On this side of the herring pond, we have long enjoyed Mr. Gould's articles.
I also mention that in his brief listing of good tidings in 1942, he omitted one important event of good news. The tide of war has also turned for us. The year 1942 saw the first real victory of the Allies in the successful battle of Alamein. Since the beginning of World War II in 1939, we had experienced disaster after after disaster in Europe, Africa, and the Far East and heavy civilian casualties from nightly bombing of many of our cities.
I hope that in his next 50 years of Monitor contributions, our friend John Gould will remember his international admirers and help to foster the cooperation between former enemies in what is too often reported as a divided world. More and more it is recognized that we are becoming one world. John F. W. Cole, Bristol, England
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