Winter in Bosnia
The continued fractricidal fighting in the former Yugoslavia, the revelations about the death camps, and the coming of winter underscore the need for effective and immediate humanitarian action to relieve the suffering in Bosnia and the region. Because of the sophistication of Serbian forces, military intervention is not easily attainable but should not be ruled out.
In the absence of immediate military intervention, the following interim should be undertaken: Resettlement must be provided for far greater numbers of concentration camp survivors; aid to United Nation's agencies must be increased and speeded; protected shelters must be available for those who will be forced to leave their homes owing to freezing temperatures and conflict; Croatia must be induced to accept additional refugees on a temporary basis.
While these measures are being implemented, we should begin to look at ways in which NATO forces might make the transition from their former role to providing security for safe havens in the former Yugoslavia. Lionel A. Rosenblatt, Washington Exec. Director, Refugees International
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