The Pros and Cons of Boycotting Colorado
Regarding the article "Anti-Gay-Rights Law Leads to Colorado Boycott Calls," Dec. 3: Boycotting appears to be out of control: If people boycott everyone they don't agree with, all trade will shortly grind to a halt.
Boycotting other states by prohibiting travel to or purchases of products from these states is not only interference with interstate commerce, but it is also beyond the chartered authority of state and local governments.
Taxpayers of Colorado who send federal funds to state governments such as Georgia and California should be able to stop all federal funds flowing to any organization that boycotts their state. United States laws prohibit firms from abiding by boycotts imposed by foreign governments, such as the Arab boycott of Israel.
It is not right that taxpayers should subsidize any city or state that boycotts our fellow Americans. Should the federal government terminate all contracts in California and Georgia? Richard Wojciechowski, Springfield, Va.
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