The Inauguration (check local listings for extensive programming on most stations):
For most news departments, of course, it will be a feast - and sometimes an excess. Some of them will spend several days on inauguration-related events.
On Wednesday, many channels will devote the better part of the day to the occasion - from long before the swearing-in ceremony itself, to the balls that night. ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, for instance, begin their live coverage at 10 a.m., E.T. Peter Jennings and David Brinkley anchor on ABC News, with Barbara Walters joining them at 2 p.m., E.T.
On CBS, Dan Rather presides, backed up by Harry Smith and Paula Zahn. Tom Brokaw and Bryant Gumbel anchor on NBC, where a three-hour version of "Today" follows President-elect Clinton all day - even to church that morning.
PBS's Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer host a special edition of the "MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour" that focuses on the major happenings, interspersed with a Judy Woodruff feature on past inaugurals and commentary by pundits David Gergen and Mark Shields.
CNN begins its exhaustive treatment on Sunday with live coverage of the President-elect's 8 a.m. visit to Monticello, and continues with several other events that day.
Among the spate of enetertainment programs scheduled is CBS's "An American Reunion: The 52nd Presidential Inaugural Gala," from 9 to 11 p.m. on Tuesday. It features Barbra Streisand singing her rendition of "God Bless America" and a reunion of the rock group Fleetwood Mac. They'll sing "Don't Stop Thimking About Tomorrow)," one of the theme song of the Clinton-Gore campaign.