The Status of a Pro-Israel Lobby in the Clinton Administration
The article overlooks the appointment of Martin Indyk to the post of Middle East specialist on President Clinton's National Security Council (NSC). Mr. Indyk is a former AIPAC assistant director for research and former international media and communications adviser to Prime Minister Shamir.
As Middle East adviser to the NSC, Indyk will be involved in formulating American policy toward the region. His previous experience indicates he is quite partisan toward Israel. Thus, with an AIPAC veteran established in the executive branch, AIPAC can concentrate on Congress and help ensure continued taxpayer largess toward Israel.
Though AIPAC may have gone through tough times recently, its dogged endeavors have paid off for those who wish to have AIPAC veterans and friends in influential positions in the government. With Indyk, AIPAC is no longer an intermediary - it has become a part of the government. Kent Morris, Salem, S.C.
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