* Spending Limits. For combined primary and general elections, they vary from $2 million to $8.25 million, depending on state's population. If limits had been in place in 1992 elections, Senate incumbents would have spent almost one-third, or $37 million, less. Challengers' spending would have been cut by under $1 million. * Resources. Candidates who agree to spending limits would get cut-rate television advertisements and mailings. If opponent overspends limit, candidate would receive communications vou chers.
* Soft Money. Such donations to party organizations, which have had no limits, would be banned. In 1991-92 election cycle, soft money donations totaled $80 million.
* PACs. Contributions from political action committees, which represent special interests, would be banned. If this is found unconstitutional as is expected, PAC contributions would be cut from $5,000 to $1,000; each senator could accept up to 20 percent of spending limit in PAC money.
* Lobbyists. Bans them from contributing funds to those they lobby, and from lobbying those they have contributed to in past 12 months.
* Bundling. Practice of gathering together individual checks and sending them to candidates would be banned.
* Franked Mail. Incumbents banned from mass mailings in election year.