Darrow Addresses the Jury
`SUPPOSE I am guilty of bribery. Is that why I am prosecuted in this court? Is that why, by the most infamous methods known to the law, these men, the real enemies of society, are trying to get me inside the penitentiary?
"No, that isn't, and you twelve men know it. These men are interested in getting me. They have concocted all sorts of schemes for the sake of getting me out of the way. Do you suppose they care what laws I might have broken, I have committed one crime, one crime which is like that against the Holy Ghost, which cannot be forgiven. I have stood for the weak and the poor. I have stood for the men who toil. And therefore I have stood against them, and now this is their chance. All right gentlemen, I am in yo ur hands, not theirs, just yet...
"These interests would stop my voice - and they have hired many vipers to help them do it. They would stop my voice - my voice, which from the time I was a prattling babe my father and mother taught me to raise for justice and freedom, and in the cause of the weak and the poor."