Learning to Yield
I ONCE saw a bumper sticker that said, ``Let go, Let God.'' This concept of giving up my own anxieties and limited expectations has always been difficult for me. Recently, however, I began to see that passively sitting back is not what is required. Yielding to God's care is something we actively do! Not long ago I experienced the benefits of yielding to God. It happened so naturally, that I didn't even realize it had occurred until I thought about it later. It was a Friday night and I had taken my husband to the airport for an extended business trip. My two small children were with me, and my little girl was very sick. The last thing I wanted to do was to go home alone.
As we were driving, I went down a mental list of who I could ask to come and help, but for one reason or another all were crossed off. As I came to the end of the list, though, I realized divine Love was there, God was there. Later I asked myself why I didn't start with God! Love, God, would have to take care of me and the children, I thought. And then I knew, with a wonderful feeling of relief, that Love, God, would take care of us. That is Love's nature--to care for, take care of, comfort, and solace.
A quotation that I have read many times came to mind. It's from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. She assures us: ``Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need'' (p. 494). My anxieties dropped away as I yielded to this promise of God's care. I had a much brighter attitude and no longer felt worried about not having someone with me.
That night a friend from another city called and said she was thinking about coming to visit for the weekend. I told her my little girl was not well, and she said that she would still like to come. As it turned out, my friend's help that weekend was invaluable, and I thanked her many times for coming. She pitched in to help with the household and watching my little one, who quickly improved. And she had a fun and relaxing weekend, enjoying the outdoors with my other child. Once I had been able to let go of my concerns and fears, it hadn't been hard to yield to God's love.
Most likely I will have many more lessons in trusting God's care. But now I look forward to these opportunities. The window has been opened a bit, new light has been shed on this idea. It is summed up in one of my favorite Bible verses, from Proverbs: ``Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths'' (3:5, 6).
Throughout his career Christ Jesus, our Master and Way-shower, taught us how to understand God so that we would freely give up our own limited outlines, conjectures, and beliefs. Remember how he fed the multitudes with only seven loaves and a few small fish (see Matthew 15:32-38)? Jesus was so certain of God's care that he gave thanks before the people were fed. He didn't hold on to a limited view of what seemed to be the present supply but yielded to the knowledge that God's love would provide what was needed.
Mrs. Eddy, who gave us the scientific and practical understanding of Christianity in Christian Science, tells us in Science and Health: ``He who leaves all for Christ forsakes popularity and gains Christianity'' (p. 238). When we yield to God, to divine Love, we are letting go of whatever would hold us back, would limit our spiritual progress or prevent us from seeing that we are made in God's image, His perfect children. And we have everything to gain!