On the lookout for pork
I wonder if the author of the article ``Cloud Shadows Collider Project,'' Aug. 19, recognizes the dichotomy of the approach of Sen. Phil Gramm (R) of Texas to what is generally referred to as ``pork,'' when considering publicly financed projects. When President Clinton presented his $16 billion public works program, Senator Gramm vehemently denounced it as ``pork.''
One would think that a senator of Gramm's stature, who has been so diligent about protecting the nation's purse strings, would immediately work to terminate the Super Collider.
But what are Gramm and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R) of Texas (who campaigned on the issue of taxing and spending) doing? They're pressing Mr. Clinton to get behind this project and push for perpetuating it. This push for continued funding, when that money is needed for other more urgent projects, is political hypocrisy at its worst.
Maybe when the deficit is brought under control, when a sound health-care program is put in place, and when the economy is healthy again, then we can consider funding a project such as the Super Collider, with tighter controls. Fernand Feig, Grosse Ille, Mich.
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