God's Law

(Written especially for young people)

I WAS only a little girl when I first heard the words ``God's law halts injustice.'' It was over fifty years ago, but I have good reason to remember! Understanding those words--and seeing that sickness is unjust--healed me one Sunday afternoon.

I went to Sunday School every week, but this particular Sunday I had been ill and missed the class. This was so unusual for me that my Sunday School teacher came to my house that afternoon to visit me. When she found that I was ill she shared with me some of the thoughts and ideas she'd heard at a talk on Christian Science she had just attended. Among them was that phrase: ``God's law halts injustice.''

Often we think of the word injustice in connection with legal things when we pray to know God's law is justice. But as my Sunday School teacher and I talked I could see how illness, sadness, and diseases were forms of injustice that couldn't exist in God's creation--His law doesn't allow them. And God's law is the only governing power. God, divine Love, knows only what is good, and that leaves no place for evil. God didn't make evil, and it's not real. All that God made is good.

Because there is one supreme governing power, God, there can be no other power. I love the words of a hymn by Martin Luther that assure us ``With Him we shall prevail'' (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 10). The first verse goes like this:

All power is given unto our Lord,

On Him we place reliance;

With truth from out His sacred word

We bid our foes defiance.

With Him we shall prevail,

Whatever may assail;

He is our shield and tower,

Almighty is His power;

His kingdom is forever.

My Sunday School teacher shared many Bible stories with me as we talked together. One story I remember her telling was one of Christ Jesus' parables. It's about a householder hiring workers for his vineyard and how he paid them each a whole day's wages, even though some had worked only an hour! The workers hired partway through the day had been willing to work, Matthew's Gospel tells us, for ``whatsoever is right'' (20:7). Everyone's willingness to trust the householder's justice was generously rewarded! Similarly, we can trust divine justice, and Love's giving.

When we let in only thoughts that are good and Godlike, we are expressing the divine justice that keeps us safe from illness, hatred, loss, sadness. There is no place for evil or injustice in God's law!

When my teacher left that day, I was completely healed. And I was so happy to have had a Sunday School lesson right there at home.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, assures us in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures that we can always trust God's law to heal us. She writes, ``Truth is always the victor'' (p. 380).

I was so grateful to learn early in my life how God's love and justice apply to all of us equally.

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