Kashmir Coverage Stirs Up Concern
The Opinion page article ``Route to Peace in Kashmir,'' Nov. 17, contains several controversial statements.
First, the author states that ``in the summer of 1965, [Pakistan] sent lightly armed Pakistani troops ... to wreak havoc in the valley.'' I find it unprofessional for the author to present opinions as facts. While the above view is believed by many, that does not change the fact that it is only a view.
Another problem is the description of some Kashmiris as ``loyal Indian citizens.'' Kashmir is a disputed territory. Therefore, Kashmiris cannot be ``loyal'' to a country, because they do not belong to any one country. If Kashmiris siding with India are ``loyal Indian citizens,'' can they not also be viewed as disloyal Pakistani citizens, since their citizenship is under dispute? The author's language shows a bias toward the Indian argument for Kashmir. Faraz Zaidi, Memphis
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