CLINTON ASKS U.S. TO CONFRONT VIOLENCE The nation must fight ``violence with values,'' President Clinton said Saturday in praise of radio stations that refuse to play songs advocating violent crime or showing contempt for women. Mr. Clinton, in his weekly radio address, said guns, drugs, and violence ``fill a vacuum where the values of civilized life used to be,'' and called for greater emphasis on work, family, and community. The president renewed his call for tough anticrime legislation. A related ABC News poll released Friday found that although 9 of 10 Americans think television news shows more blood and violence than a decade ago, few blame the programs for the country's high crime rate. Those polled were most likely to attribute crime rates to a breakdown in family, societal, or moral values (27 percent), illegal drugs (25 percent), or the ready availability of guns (12 percent). (Rock station bans antiwomen songs, Page 1.) Gore to Germany

Vice President Al Gore Jr. flew to Germany Saturday en route to Kazakhstan for negotiations on US assistance if the Central Asian nation agrees to dismantle its nuclear arsenal. He also is scheduled to visit neighboring Kyrgystan to salute its economic reforms and then head to Russia to prepare for next month's Moscow summit between Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. (Russian elections, Page 2.) Belfast attacks kill two

IRA gunmen killed two policemen yesterday to step up pressure on Britain to agree with Ireland on a peace formula to end 25 years of conflict in Northern Ireland. Nationalist sources said the killing was designed to show the IRA was not weary of conflict and could launch a new offensive early next year unless London agreed on a peace formula in talks with its Irish counterpart. Somalia talks collapse

Talks to end fighting in Somalia collapsed yesterday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and faction leaders went home with little to show nine days after they began negotiations. The talks ended without any statement from Somalia's 16 factions, after breaking down over the size of a council to lead the nation through elections. Meanwhile, in Somalia, gunmen wounded two US military policemen in Mogadishu Sunday after a Somali man was killed in a clash between clans. ERA revival begun

Hoping to take advantage of the more supportive Clinton administration, a coalition of women's groups is trying yet again to pass the 70-year-old Equal Rights Amendment. They said Friday they plan to ask Congress to nullify the 1982 deadline for ratification that had been imposed on the measure back in the 1970s. New Peru Constitution

A new Peruvian Constitution giving the president the right to run for reelection was approved by voters in October, according to results released Saturday, clearing the way for Alberto Fujimori to run for reelection in 1995. The previous Constitution was suspended by Mr. Fujimori when he dissolved Congress and closed the courts in April 1992. He claimed it was necessary to defeat a guerrilla insurgency and control the economy. The new Constitution includes the death penalty for terrorists. North Korean comes back

North Korea has named Kim Yong Ju state vice president, capping a remarkable comeback week for President Kim Il Sung's younger brother after an 18-year eclipse. It was not immediately clear what Mr. Yong Ju's meteoric rise signified or whether it indicated that Kim Il Sung was having second thoughts about his succession plan. Stellar space auction

Retired Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov sat high above the Sotheby's auction floor Saturday, watching people bid crazily for his old spacesuit. When the bidding was over, the relic of the great space race sold for $255,500. The total take of the sale of Soviet space memorabilia was a higher-than-expected $6.8 million on 226 lots sold. The sale drew a packed room of bidders while phone lines were tied up by many more.

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