Don't Ignore GOP Health-Care Reform Plans
I was distressed to see the inaccuracies in the front page article ``Clinton Signals a Compromise on Health Plan,'' Dec. 1.
The article states, ``the single-payer bill [McDermott HR 1200] has the most supporters [93] of any single alternative to Clinton ....'' This is inaccurate. HR 3080, sponsored by House Republican leader Rep. Robert Michel (R) of Illinois, has the most co-sponsors, 134 in the House. Mr. Michel's GOP alternative is ignored.
The article also ignores S 1743, sponsored by Sen. Don Nickles (R) of Oklahoma. Mr. Nickles has 25 Senate sponsors for his reform proposal, more than any other Senate proposal except Clinton's. This omission is unfortunate since S 1743 appears to be the primary Republican alternative. Any health-care reform article must take note of the seven major bills ``reforming'' health care that will be considered in 1994. Karl Peterjohn, Wichita, Kan.
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