German reunification a success
Regarding the article ``Vote in Eastern Germany Signals Return to the Left,'' Dec. 7:
I was born and raised in Weimar, East Germany. The author quotes an opinion quite common among people in the eastern part of Germany: ``It's worse than it was before.'' I am afraid that this leaves the impression that the reunification of the two Germanys was a mistake. The economic situation did become more insecure than it was under the totalitarian regime of Erich Honecker.
But it would not be right to say that the government of Chancellor Helmut Kohl is fully responsible for the rather difficult political, economic, and emotional situation in east Germany, which certainly is not made easier by the tough recession facing all of Europe.
One should not overlook that east Germany's economy is still growing despite the recession. The predicted growth of seven percent for 1994 gives hope for a slow, but effective and solid recovery from the years of stagnation.
I believe that the German reunification is a success, although it is not a gratis one as some perhaps hoped it would be, and although the success will be visible only after some years. Stephan Schwaabe, San Pedro, Calif.
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