The Bible - A Science Book?
SOMETIMES people feel the only subjects that should be considered ``scientific'' are those that can be materially quantified. But the term science can also properly be used to identify any systematic body of knowledge that can be studied, learned, and practiced-- usually knowledge that makes life better or produces behavior that is more orderly and intelligent.
This is the context in which the teachings of the Bible are scientific. The Bible presents a body of knowledge: knowledge of God and of man and of how Christ, Truth, is always present to help and save mankind. Christ Jesus showed that God is perfect Spirit and that God's image and likeness, man, is spiritual and perfect. Christian Science shows us that these Bible truths are scientific. They are spiritual realities, or laws, that can be studied, learned, and applied in every individual's everyday experience.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, identified the Bible's scientific laws in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She explains: ``The central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power'' (p. 131). She referred to the spiritual laws of the Bible as the Science of being--and how could there be a more fundamental or important science!
The Bible tells the experiences of people who proved the scientific fact of spiritual power over physical power. Moses, for example, depended on spiritual power--on his closeness to God--to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. And David similarly saved the army of Israel from the threatening Goliath by his trust in God's power.
Christ Jesus proved this scientific, spiritual fact more consistently than anyone else. He stilled storms, fed multitudes, and healed people of sin and sickness through the power of God.
Mrs. Eddy saw that because Bible teachings are scientific and based on God's law, they reform, regenerate, and heal people in every age. She wrote a book explaining how we can individually apply the scientific nature of Bible teachings to our lives. Since that book, Science and Health, was published, thousands of people have proved the efficacy of the science found in the Bible to bring healing. When the scientific truths found in the Bible are understood, they are reflected in the body as normal health and activity.
Here's an example of how I've found this to be true in my own life. One time I discovered a growth on my body. I prayed, asking God to show me what I needed to know to be healed. Soon I found myself studying a passage in Psalms: ``The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me'' (138:8). Of course, no one would say that perfection is material. But as I prayed to understand that Bible verse, I realized that it was conveying a spiritual concept that was an actual law of God, a law that expressed God's spirit-ual power over His spiritual creation, man. Since it was law, it had to apply to my situation.
For several days I prayed to see the reality of this law of God-given perfection in my life. I realized that because God's spir-itual power is supreme and man is really spiritual, my true, spiritual identity is perfectly harmonious. Because I am always subject only to God's perfectly good government, everything that constitutes my spiritual identity is harmonious. As I continued to pray in this way, the growth disappeared.
This was proof to me that the spiritual facts and realities that are elucidated in the Bible are scientific. They can be proved to be so by anyone, in any age.