Dubbing double standard
Regarding the editorial ``Cultural Quotas,'' Jan. 24:
The French government is aiming to represent its people through its courageous attempt to restrain the enormous amount of American film fare that is sent out in dubbed versions while dubbed French films are rarely permitted in the United States.
If and when the United States addresses the issue, as the editorial indicates it will, it should allow the unrestricted importation of dubbed French film into this country.
Certainly there would be a loss from the original version, but it would begin to be a fair fight. Remakes of French films such as ``Three Men and a Baby,'' ``Sommersby,'' ``The Man With One Red Shoe,'' and many others would not be necessary because their French originals would be viewed by a much larger American audience than the one willing to read subtitles. Genevieve C. Bogert, Elsah, Ill.
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