CLINTON DETAILS 1995 ANTIDRUG PLAN President Clinton places stronger emphasis on treatment and prevention in his 1995 antidrug plan, increasing such programs more than 18 percent, an administration document shows. Overall, the $13.2 billion strategy would increase funding to fight drug use by $1 billion the first increase in two years. It also represents a departure from the drug-fighting philosophy of the Bush administration, which focused on reducing drug supplies. Money for drug-supply reduction, which includes domestic law enforcement and international interdiction, would increase 2.9 percent. However, interdiction funding would fall 7.3 percent. Fifty-nine percent of the plan's spending would be for cutting drug supplies and 41 percent for reducing demand. That moves closer to the 50-50 balance sought by critics of the 70-30 ratio which existed at the start of the Bush administration. Emergency US-Japan talks
Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa sent his foreign minister to Washington yesterday for last-ditch trade talks before he meets President Clinton tomorrow (see Briefing, Page 7). With both sides apparently sticking to clashing positions, however, prospects for a breakthrough were in doubt. Mr. Hosokawa and Mr. Clinton will assess progress in talks under a July 1993 pact aimed at cutting Japan's huge trade surplus and improving US access to its domestic markets. Education bill passes
The US Senate approved a bill Tuesday setting national education goals designed to ensure a skilled US work force in the next century. The bill sets six education goals and creates a bipartisan national goals panel to measure progress and a national skill standards board to identify essential skills. The House passed a similar bill last year and the two bills must be reconciled before a final measure can go to President Clinton. Middle East breakthrough
The PLO said yesterday it would sign an agreement with Israel that resolves certain issues related to Palestinian autonomy in the occupied territories. Details were not released, but both Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have said the Cairo talks most likely would not solve all the problems preventing Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Jericho. Canada tobacco tax cut
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, faced with widespread cigarette smuggling, announced a plan Tuesday to slash tobacco taxes, step up patrols along the US border, and wage an antismoking campaign. Canada and its provinces place a 400 percent levy on cigarettes to try to force people to stop smoking. But the high taxes have created a huge black market.