* Tickets for future Olympic Games usually do not go on sale until a year before the event. Organizers of the summer Games in Atlanta in 1996 and the next Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, do not have ticket information available yet. Atlanta officials, however, have begun taking names and addresses of those interested in attending, and plans to send out an information packet in spring,1995.
Hotels in Atlanta have blocked out 80 percent of their rooms for the Atlanta Olympic Committee. In an effort to maintain fair pricing, the committee will then rent the rooms, though there will still be a 20 percent premium over the rooms' regular cost.
To be put on a mailing list for ticket information to the Atlanta Games, call (404) 224-1996, or write the Atlanta Olympic Committee at P.O. Box 1996; Atlanta, GA 30301-1996.
For other upcoming Games, such as those in Nagano, and in Sydney in the year 2000, the full-time US Olympic Committee will provide contact numbers as the local committees organize set up information lines. The USOC can be reached at (719) 635-4529.