Campaign contributor's checklist
Regarding the opinion-page article ``The Low Art of the Thinly Disguised Bribe,'' March 10: Until the party leaders, Congress, and the president adopt meaningful political finance reforms - strict limits on contributions by individuals and organizations; non-deductibility and full taxation of all lobbying expenditures as well as political contributions; a reasonable amount of free and equitably divided television time for new candidates and incumbents, provided by broadcasters in return for their licenses; and a nonpartisan oversight commission with teeth to swiftly investigate and fine offenders, if necessary nullifying the election of an offender - I intend to make my political contributions to the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, and Public Citizen.
It makes no sense to send money to people who think in terms of collecting millions of dollars in bribes from special interests and giving much of the sum to the billion-dollar TV industry. Robert L. Tuck, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Your letters are welcome. For publication they must be signed and include your address and telephone number. Only a selection can be published, and none acknowledged. Letters should be addressed to ``Readers Write,'' and can be sent by Internet E-mail (200 word maximum) to OPED@RACHEL.CSPS.COM, by fax to 617-450-2317, or by mail to One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115