A long divisive history
Fortunately for America, President Clinton and the United States Congress have a more balanced view than the author of the opinion-page article ``Clinton on Wrong Side of Jerusalem Issue,'' April 27, who opposes removal of the ``occupied'' label from East Jerusalem.
The land east of the Jordan River became independent in 1946 and changed its name to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1949. During the Arab-Israeli war of 1948-49, the Jordanians overran a large area of the river's west bank.
Jordan was driven from its West Bank-annexed territory and East Jerusalem when the Israelis won the Six-Day War in 1967. This is when the history of the Middle East began for the author and current journalism.
The author also resurrects the 1947 United Nations effort to internationalize Jerusalem without also saying that, since 1947, Palestinians and Israelis have been one in rejecting this Christian-inspired idea.
As a Roman Catholic, I wince when recalling it was the Vatican (Pope Pius XII) who inspired the idea and pushed it in order to regain influence in an area lost to the church since the Crusades.
At this time in history, attempts to implement such a policy would produce a joint Palestinian-Israeli military effort to resist. Then it was Pius XII's religious interests. Today it is Euro-oil interests. Amy Sharp, Bellevue, Wash.
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