The 140-page agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization on the nature of Palestinian autonomy in the Gaza Strip and Jericho follows the guidelines laid down in the ``Oslo Accord'' that the two sides negotiated secretly last year. It has taken another eight months to nail down the details, under which:
* Israeli troops have withdrawn from their bases in the Jericho area and moved out of Gaza's Palestinian towns and refugee camps into Jewish settlement areas of the strip.
* The Israeli Civil Administration - the occupation government -
has handed over to Palestinians in Jericho and Gaza authority for education, health, social welfare, taxation and tourism, and internal security. Israel retains responsibility for external security and foreign affairs and for Jewish settlers.
* A 24-member Palestinian Authority, to be headed by PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, will have legislative powers, and be responsible for administering justice until election of a council -
currently scheduled for October - is held throughout the West Bank and Gaza. It will have 9,000 armed policemen at its disposal.
* Joint committees have been formed that will meet regularly to monitor the implementation of autonomy and resolve differences in the security and civilian fields.
There are many committees - the joint security committee, liaison committee, joint civil affairs committee, etc. - that will meet regularly, and on short notice at the request of the parties. There are also sub-committees, such as the legislation subcommittee of the civil affairs committee, which will meet only when the Israelis refer a piece of Palestinian legislation to it for consideration.
* Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip will remain until the final status of the occupied territories is decided in future negotiations. They will be subject to Israeli law, and will be protected by Israeli troops.
* An economic accord, signed as part of the overall agreement, provides for almost free trade between Israel and the autonomous areas, giving Palestinians their first ever chance to sell in the Israeli market. Restrictions remain on five agricultural products for five years: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggs, and broilers.
* But the autonomy authorities will not be allowed to issue their own Palestinian currency.