SEOUL OFFERS PRE-SUMMIT TALKS South Korea, seeking to defuse nuclear tensions on the Korean Peninsula, asked North Korea yesterday for talks to discuss plans for a first-ever summit meeting between their presidents. In a message to North Korea, Prime Minister Lee Yung Dug called for the preparatory meeting on June 28 at the border village of Panmunjom. Unification Minister Lee Hong Koo said South Korea was committed to making the peninsula nuclear-free and hoped to resolve the dispute over Pyongyang's suspected nuclear-arms program through dialogue. North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, in a message relayed by former President Jimmy Carter after his trip to Pyongyang, had proposed a meeting with his southern counterpart, Kim Young Sam, ``without further delay.'' The South Korean president agreed, saying: ``The sooner the better.'' Court and term limits
The US Supreme Court yesterday agreed to decide whether states can impose term limits on members of Congress by restricting the number of times their names can appear on the ballot for reelection. The court said it will consider reinstating provisions of state constitutional amendments in Arkansas that were struck down by courts in that state. The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled in March that states cannot impose qualifications on congressional candidates in addition to those set by the Constitution - minimum age, US citizenship, and state residency. All-African peace force
Archbishop Desmond Tutu yesterday said French troops should not intervene in Rwanda and called instead for an all-African force to stop the bloodshed. The South African churchman, in Belgium for a two-day visit, said France and other Western nations should instead give money and logistical support. Guatemalan peace talks
Representatives of the Guatemalan government and leftist guerrillas continued peace talks in Oslo yesterday to try to set up a human rights commission to help end a 33-year conflict, a UN mediator said. The two sides had originally planned to leave Oslo on Saturday, but no agreement was reached and the talks were extended. Burmese dissident
Detained Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi marked her birthday at home Sunday without any evident celebrations. Mrs. Suu Kyi has been under house arrest since July 20, 1989. She won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize and is supported by governments around the world. Her political party swept 1990 elections, but the military junta refused to let it rule.