O. J. Case Offers Much Food For Thought
Congratulations on your level-headed, unsensationalized editorial. I find it refreshing that the Monitor was able to simply report the information in a calm, responsible way.
I have been shocked by two examples of attempts to prejudice O. J. Simpson's case. The first was when a microphone was taped to the top of the defense table on June 21. Communications between attorney and client are absolutely privileged, and I am appalled at the stupidity of such an action.
Another example is the release of a tape allegedly between Nicole Simpson and the Los Angeles County Police Department. It was reported that Mr. Simpson could be heard in the background screaming obscenities. That tape was evidence, and should never have been released to the public.
It would not be surprising if Simpson's attorney moves the court for a change of venue. It may be almost impossible to find enough jurors who still have the needed objectivity to give Simpson a fair trial. Jennifer Wentz, Cupertino, Calif.
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