RWANDA CEASE-FIRE DELAYED With as many as a million refugees fleeing a rebel advance, hopes for a cease-fire were put on hold in Rwanda yesterday after the insurgents' designated prime minister failed to reach the capital. Faustin Twagiramungu, a moderate member of the Hutu tribe chosen by Tutsi-led rebels to form a new government, was due in rebel-held Kigali yesterday. But UN officials were told that he had been delayed in Entebbe, Uganda, and would not come until today. The rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front, which holds two-thirds of the country and continues its advance, has promised to cease fire once Mr. Twagiramungu names his Cabinet and leaders of massacres are apprehended. Consumer prices
US consumer prices rose a moderate 0.3 percent in June as gasoline prices led an increase in energy costs, the government said yesterday. The advance in the Labor Department's Consumer Price Index came just one day after the department reported no change in wholesale prices in June. So far this year, prices at the consumer level are rising at an annual rate of just 2.5 percent, better than the 2.7 percent increase posted for 1993. Ethanol lawsuit
The petroleum industry struck back yesterday with a lawsuit against new federal rules that require the use of ethanol in gasoline. The Environmental Protection Agency had ordered all US refiners on June 30 to begin blending ethanol, usually made from corn, with gasoline used in the most-polluted US cities. ``We are suing EPA because its ethanol mandate is neither legal nor rationally defensible,'' says Charles DiBona, president of the American Petroleum Institute. Industry officials warn that the EPA mandate could result in gasoline shortages in US cities beginning in January 1995. N.J. school funding
The state Supreme Court has ruled for a third time that New Jersey's school funding plan is unconstitutional because of spending gaps between rich and poor districts. The court ruled Tuesday that the state's Quality Education Act - a response to the court's 1990 ruling that New Jersey was shortchanging students in its poorest districts - is unconstitutional because it relies too much on property taxes. Breyer hearings sail along
Supreme Court nominee Stephen Breyer seems to be breezing through his confirmation hearings. During testimony Tuesday, only Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D) of Ohio raised an ethical propriety issue. Generous praise came from Republicans, many of whom know him from his 1979-80 service as Senate Judiciary Committee chief counsel.