Third Candidate for N.Y. Governor's Race

MILLIONAIRE executive B. Thomas Golisano may have less than two months to campaign, and he faces a battle to even get on the New York ballot - but he is optimistic about what is certainly an unconventional run for governor. ``I think I can win it,'' the Rochester-area Independent said Sunday as he announced his candidacy.

Mr. Golisano, worth $140 million, said he is ``ready to spend the millions of dollars it's going to take'' to defeat Gov. Mario Cuomo and Republican challenger George Pataki. He said he would not accept political action committee money. Golisano said he hadn't voted until two years ago when he cast his ballot for Texas billionaire Ross Perot in the presidential race.

Golisano, a registered Independent and head of the nation's largest payroll-processing company, said he had agreed to become the candidate of the new Independence Fusion Party.

The state Board of Elections has said it's too late for Golisano to get on the ballot, but leaders of the fledgling party said they would go to court if necessary. The centrist party, which has strong ties to independent Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker, wants to defeat incumbent Democrats and Republicans.

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