A Motto With a Purpose

I am a new reader to The Christian Science Monitor. I am curious about the quotation printed at the head of the editorial pages, ``First the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.'' I am not familiar with the origin of the quotation, or its meaning.

Could you print a brief explanation? I think this might be interesting to other readers as well. Meredith M. Dalebout, Culpeper, Va.

Editor's note: The quote comes from the Bible, Mark 4:28 (American Standard Version).

Archibald McLellan, the Monitor's first editor, once said of the motto, ``It expresses the high ideal set before the staff of the Monitor by its Founder, - a lofty purpose, for whose accomplishment they are to strive; patiently and persistently tilling the soil of human thought day by day, until by and by the field shall be crowned with ripened grain, and they shall hear the `Well done, good and faithful servant.' ''

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